Kids love wild animals, and bears are no exception. This fall the GBOP's Bear Smart Program sponsored the Upper Skagit Bear Smart Poster Contest for students living within Concrete School District. Chris Morgan, GBOP Co-Director, and Nan Laney, Skagit and Northern Snohomish Coordinator, kicked off interest in the poster contest during two assemblies at the Concrete Elementary School in late October.
The assemblies were great fun for all, and the kids left with a lot of enthusiasm for participating in the contest. There were about 40 posters submitted by students Kindergarten through 6th grade. Not surprisingly, there were many creative and artistic perspectives on how we can avoid conflicts with our resident black bear population (which is the focus of GBOP's Bear Smart Program). This was our first poster contest and we look forward to further developing and expanding the poster
contest, as well as our relationships with kids, families and teachers in the coming years.
The best posters will be posted on this BLOG after the contest is complete.
Submitted by Nan Laney, Skagit and Northern Snohomish Field Coordinator